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Ve dnech 12 - 14. říjen 2018 pořádá holandský svaz záložníků 26. ročník mezinárodních střeleckých závodů. Pro případné zájemce informace dále...

Předmět: NISC 2018

Dear friends,

It is with the utmost pleasure that we would like to invite you to the 26th edition of the Netherlands International Shooting Competition (NISC), which will be held at 12, 13 and 14 of  October 2018 at the Infantry Shooting Camp (ISK) in Harskamp, Netherlands.

The competition information document (flyer) and the application form are attached and also published soon on our website under the "NISC-2018" submenu.

To enter the competition you are requested to fill out the application-form and e-mail it to: .

We will confirm participation after receiving and processing your application form.

Only a total filled-in application form will be accepted. Other ways of registration are not valid.

We advise you not to wait very long to send in your application-form, because acceptation will be based on the sequence of reception of your application. Not more than 54 teams can be accepted.

We would be honoured to welcome you (again) this year of the 26th NISC and to meet you in a friendly competition and good spirit.

With kind regards,

Colonel (ret.) Gerard Lettinga
Chairman Reservist Shooting Committee NRFK
Netherlands Reserve Forces Association
M:  +31 6 21 250 734

zipNISC-2018_Application-form-and-flyer.zip1015.11 KB

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